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Star Councils of Light Message & Activation

Cindy Marie

The Codes of Light that you hold from many different star systems are coming online like a time lock. They have been opening and yet there is so much discord within the human mind and within the fields of consciousness, like a muscle that has atrophied from lack of use, a catalyst is required to jump-start the process and this what we wish to share with you in this moment. This is what we offer you in this now.

Feb 15, 2025 Star Councils of Light Message & Activation:

"I ask to bring through the highest wisdom, guidance and/or healing that can be offered in this moment from the Highest Realms of Illumined Truth, aligned to God's White Light, to the Oneness, working for the Highest Good of All Life to bring through something that can assist my beloved sisters and brothers in the Light here on Earth to help us through these times. What do we most need to know, to hear, to do in this moment on Earth for the Highest Good of All concerned? In the Light, We Are All One - One Heart, One Mind, One Body of God, of Source, of Creator, Divine Presence … feel the Truth within your body structure, be the Truth within your Sacred Heart center, know the Truth within your mind … you have all come to this Earth plane, this planetary structure, this being of Light known as Gaia. You have come here on a mission. You have come here with great purpose aligned to the Divine plan for a new species of life capable of traveling within the lower 12 dimensions of existence. This is the great experiment that you are all a part of - to create a being that holds the spark of God capable of reaching elevated levels of consciousness and awareness with the ability to adapt to varying degrees of dimensional frequencies. During your time on Earth in the cycles of creation many lifetimes have come and gone, many memories of great suffering and strife have been imprinted into the genetic makeup that is you. Thought forms have been embedded into the collective conscious mind like a program on your computer or within your technology - an outdated program. This program thwarts the inherent Divine Codes within you that are awakening now. The Codes of Light that you hold from many different star systems are coming online like a time lock. They have been opening and yet there is so much discord within the human mind and within the fields of consciousness, like a muscle that has atrophied from lack of use, a catalyst is required to jump-start the process and this what we wish to share with you in this moment. This is what we offer you in this now. If this resonates within your being, if this resonates within your body, mind and heart, let your intention be to receive all that nourishes, supports, uplifts, and reconnects you to your Divine Aspect of Self … receive the words of Light through all that you are. Become a receiver to the words of Light from the Heart of the One-GodMind-Source-Divine Presence of All now … let the words of God speak through this channel now … We Are One in the Light … Call the Light of the Great Divine, of God-Source-Oneness to be with you now, to saturate you, to surround you, and to hold you in this receptive state of being and repeat the words “I am safe in the Light of God. In the arms of the Divine, I am held. I am protected. I am loved” … and now we begin … feel the vibrations through your body … penetrating the cellular walls and the structures within the cell … being received into the DNA… RNA … core of purity … deep breath in, and release … deep breath in … (activation) … let the Love of God … deep breath in … (calming) … (next activation) … deep breaths in … (realigning) … deep breath in. Again, deep breath in, letting out with a sound. One more deep breath then, and out with a sound … Bringing your awareness back into the body with a focus on your feet. Drawing your awareness and your Presence back into the body, into the bones, the Wisdom Keepers. Feeling yourself returning to the present fully alert, fully conscious, and fully anchored in the physical. Feeling your feet upon the Great Earth Mother. Feeling your place upon the Earth. Drawing your awareness inside into the body and feeling inside. What is it you are aware of? When you feel inside your body what do you notice? What qualities are you aware of? Be with yourself in this moment giving your body your full attention. Once again feeling your feet upon the floor, feeling yourself seated upon the earth …"



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